Wednesday 1 December 2010

54321 vs 12345

How sad but true!!

The moment when
a dream is awakened...


I wonder you feel the same as me ; all the sudden I realized friends and relatives around me seems to get less and less.

Those years when the New Year drew near, all sorts of gathering appointments almost completely filled the diaries, but this year seems so quiet.

Even in normal time, phone calls become less and less, face to face meet up also become much less.

Perhaps, everybody is busy with their own things, or perhaps, nowadays people prefer to stay in.

However, it is not entirely like this, thinking further, actually old friends and relatives are not around any more. God bless, they are still alive and well, they just left the country, Malaysia .

They have gone to China to set factory; ah Wang quit his engineer job and migrated to Australia to set up his little food store business, ah Fong left the local University went to Hong Kong as a lecturer. 'Frog' went to Taiwan to pursue his second career life. Others went to Americia , England , even Indonesia ...

At first, I thought these are individual cases, but gradually, people around me realized the same, these are not individual cases but a general symptom of our society. they are not small numbers but the pretty big indeed.

Department of Foreign Affairs released the figures earlier, it confirmed the situation is real.

從去年3月到今年9月,已經有30萬大馬人移民他國;其中20 人是今年1月到8月出走的數目。
>From March 2008 thru September 2009, a total of 300,000 Malaysian migrated to other countries, among them 200,000 left between Jan - Aug 2009. (in 8 months)

Cummulatively, 2 million Malaysians migrated, this figure is close to the number of Indonesian workers in Malaysia today.

The difference are, those migrated are mostly professional and middle class people.

They have many reasons to leave: pursue career development, for the future of their children, in search of better life and environment... In one sentence, they lost hope of Malaysia .

50 years ago people said: Malaysia is very good, better than Hong Kong and even Japan .

30 years ago people said: Malaysia is not bad, comparable to S. Korea and Taiwan . (No mention of Hong Kong and Japan any more).

20 years ago people said: Malaysia can do lah, at least better than China and Thailand (Cannot compare with Taiwan and Korea lah)

10 years ago people said: No matter how bad Malaysia is, cannot be worse than Vietnam and Indonesia ok-lah. ( China is already in a different category).

今日,越南和印尼的經濟成長率遙遙領先大馬, 社會活力和知識發展也勝過一籌;距離愈來愈近了。
Today, the economic growth rate of Vietnam and Indonesia already far exceeded Malaysia , Social activity and intellectual development of the country is also better, the gap between us and them is closing up.

Why worry? there are still Philipines , Cambodia and Myanmar behind us.

However, according to an economist who recently surveyed Phillipines, he think in 20 years' time, Malaysia can replace Phillipines to become the World exporter of Malaysian maids.

Over half a century, Malaysians live in the big old imperial housing complex, closed up and survive on properties left behind by the ancestor; continued to consume up social resources, wasteful, and drove away talents; they never talk about competitiveness, totally neglected productivity, and hated meritocracy.

亞洲金融風暴來襲時,大馬把門關起來,以為避過一劫, 有人還自我陶醉,自以為是天才策略。
When Asia economic storm hit in 1997, Malaysia closed their doors, thinking we beautifully avoided a disaster, they even think of themselves as genius, being able to handle the situation so well.

However, just look at other countries in our neighbourhood ; they stood up, faced the storm, and walked out of the storm. They overhauled their system, improved the processes and marched forward ; they moved up to a new level. And Malaysia , still walking on the spot . . !

Dear Malaysia , it's time to wake up !
We are very very late now !

NO MORE 5C'S, BUT NEW 5B'S in Singapore is something to link the 5cs to the newer 5 bs !

I don't need a CAR, but I want a BMW

I don't need a CONDO, but I want a BUNGALOW

I don't need you to have CASH but I want you to own a BANK

I don't need you to have a CAREER but I want you to be a BOSS

It's interesting for you to read!

Most of you would have heard of the Singapore 5C's! :

Car, Condo, Credit Card, Cash and Career

Heard of the 5B's?


B - Body

B - Brain

B - Billionaire

B - Bungalow

And, and addition with the 5K's ......................

Kiasu (scared of losing)

Kiasi (scared of dying)

Kiabor (scared of wife)

Kiaboh (scared of having nothing)

Kiachenghu (scared of government)

We've been reading about the 5C's! and 5K's for Singaporeans, now

comes the 5 Numerals and Malaysia 's equivalent...

Singapore's 'practice' for Simple Living : 12345

1 - One Wife (If more than one, Lee Kwan Yew will consign you out of Singapore anyway)

2 - Two Children

3 - Three Bedroom Condo

4 - Four Wheels

5 - Five Figure Salary

Malaysia's Melayu 'theory' to Simple Living: 54321 must be opposite to Singapore's theory

5 - Five Children

4 - Four Wives

3 - Three Figure Salary

2 - Two Wheels

1 - One low-cost Govt. flat

... Petikan statement diatas adalah merupakan email yang disadur dari salah seorang teman "Malaysian" yang di forward entah kebeberapa banyak orang dan entah darimana dulu asal muasalnya. Banyak sekali informasi dan juga faedah2 yang bisa kita hayati dalam statement2 diatas :

  1. Karir / uang / pekerjaan / dll telah secara paksa memisahkan banyak keluarga / sahabat setiap saat secara geografis dan ruang. Hal ini akan semakin parah dalam dekade2 mendatang.
  2. Mentalitas / spirit hidup semestinya segera di update sesuai kebutuhan sehingga kita tidak tertinggal / di gilas waktu
  3. Adanya kesadaran awal akan setiap hal / perubahan akan memberikan ruangan cukup untuk membuat perencanaan dan deteksi awal "Bencana"
  4. Sadar atau tidak Indonesia dengan segala kelebihan dan kekurangnnya juga selalu di jadikan "Indikator" atas segala hal di muka bumi ini dan celakanya hingga saat ini label itu masih dalam wilayah kelas bawah
  5. Hati2 dengan motto2, slogan2 & spirit2 hedonisme karena hal tersebut tak ada ujungnya
  6. Daya saing / nilai jual penduduk Indonesia yang "Expert" juga sangat tergantung kepada image yang di buat secara global oleh penduduk dunia, sehingga kita masih berada dalam posisi under dog / lapis ketiga
  7. Percaya diri dengan segala apa yang kita punya dan kembangkan segala sesuatunya dengan Istiqomah.

Miri - Sarawak
.. Ayah ...


Bunda Shishil said...

wahhh... ayahnya zahia sekarang dah mulai rajin ngeblog lagi ya... syukurlah jeng soes ada yg gantiin, qiqiqi... Btw di bahas satu persatu donk maksud dr point2 diatas, hehehe *kabuurrrr*

annie said...

happy december ...
wah ada basa "galing" hehe
betul jeng apa yng ditulis ayah zahia, bahwa kita perlu memupuk kesadaran awal agar apapun perubahan yang terjadi, didalam maupun di luar, dapat kita deteksi sedini mungkin, sehingga mampu kita hadapi dengan benar.

annie said...

wah salah tik url tuh yang di atas

Mulyani Adini said...

Bulan desember diawali dengan keceriaan...
Ditunggu cerita2 berikutnya...

Clara Canceriana said...

hooo, yang kali ini posting bukan mbaknya tah...
happy december ya ^^

Bekti said...

Eh, ayahnya Zahia... Salam kenal ya, Pak Zul :D. Saya senang 12345 Singapore. Hohoho... only ONE WIFE. Thanks Lee Kwan Yew you for support this point :D

Elsa said...

only one wife?
coba bilang gitu ke pemilik ayam bakar wong solo. hahahahaaa

tapi saya juga setuju, one wife saja!!!

salam kenal Ayahnya Zahia

Anonymous said...

weehh, tulisannya keren ayah zahia!!!
saya mengiyakan point 1 dan sangat suka dengan point 7!!

owiyah lupa, hidup Lee Kwan Yew!!!

ReBorn said...

123454321-nya keren. ini bisa jadi dorongan juga buat indonesia.

tapi di browser saya (chrome) beberapa huruf kok jadi kotak-kotak ya. apa memang begitu?

Lidya said...

dukung ayah zahia untuk one wife nya:)

Allisa Yustica Krones said...

Ayahnya Zahia mulai rajin mulai rajin nulis niiihhh, hehe...

Saya paling setuju sama point ONE WIFE-nya! Hidup One Wife!! :D

BunDit said...

Hahaha ngakak baca yg Malaysia's Theory itu, bener2 deh. Saya juga idem sama mama Raja, cukup 1 wife...gak habis2 kok :D . Seru juga ya jeng soes dan Ayahnya Zahia gantian posting :-)

BundaAzam said...

wah setuju deh ama ayahnya zahia dg one wife nya...hehehhe salam kenal ayah zahia

Bintang said...

upppsss...ternyata kali ini yang posting ayahnya Zahia....Met kenal ayahnya Zahia...salam dari Ruwais - Abu Dhabi....kapan neh mo jalan2 ke Ruwais...hehehe

Anonymous said...

Nggak praktis banget hidup a la orang Malaysia itu. Mosok kepingin punya istri empat, anak lima? Bagaimana mau sejahtera seluruh keluarganya?

Keluarga Zulfadhli said...

Bunda Shishil : He...he... sengaja gak bibahas satu persatu... karena blm punya waktu yang cukup.... maaf yach.... Bun....

Mbak Annie : Yes.... kita juga harus ada contingency plan ... agar mampu beradaptasi dengan segala perubahan yang berlaku.

Ibu Dhini : Bunda Zahia masih sibuk jadi ...... mungkin dalam waktu dekat akan merilis cerita selanjutnya.....

Mbak Clara : Yes.... ini Ayahnya Zahia...

Mbak Bekti : Hooo..... iya saya juga penganut Hanya Satu Istri Kok ... gak pake neko2...... heee....

Mbak Elsa : Wadoh... bisa berabe kalo memfatwakan one wife kepada wong solo...... orang dia banyak istri itu karena Hobby kok .... bukannya kebutuhan ..... Piiissss.....

Mbak Puti : Apai kabar urang yang kalak diam di Sanggau tuk... masih ingat jom..... Bonar am nyak.... cukup sikuk bini jak .... nyak pun ajom abis2....

Reborn : Nah kalo yang huruf kotak2... itu aku juga gak faham... karena tulisan diatas menggunakan 2 jenis huruf yaitu alphabet biasa dan juga huruf kanji china.... mungkin ada beberapa karakter yang gak "klik" dengan lappie nya....

Mbak Lidya : Thank you yach mbak .... udah pasti dunk.... hanya Susan Noerina istri ku...... haaahhaaa.......

Mbak Allisa : wah semua ibu2 / emak2 setuju dengan Lee Kwan yew dengan konsep satu istrinya...... just info... Istrinya Lee Kwan Yew belum lama ini wafat.....

Bundit : Hee........ biasa.... harus gotong royong untuk menyelamatkan blog ini... kalo gak bisa bobo and lupa mau bangun lageee....

Bunda Azam : salam kenal juga Bun.... saya juga titip salam buat suaminya.....

Mbak Bintang : Ruwais.... and Dubai ..... yakinlah suatu ketika nanti aku pasti akan menginjakkan kakiku dan istriku tersayang kesana .... at least berfoto di depan al burj ...... di temani ama mbak Bintang.....Hiksss....